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‘…a complete guide for the tweets, apps and tricks associated with belonging to 1 with the world's fastest-growing communities.' (Management Today, July 2010).
getting_started New to Twitter? Learn to produce an account, set a password, develop a profile, begin tweeting, manage updates, and follow others.
cool_new_stuff Discover all the brand new tools, services, and sites that a many more than 100 million Twitterers are using.
tweet_n_retweet Reply to updates, download a friend's tweets, view your individual along with your friends' retweets, whilst someone's retweets from your timeline.
tweets_to_go Set up Twitter's cell phone feature and manage Twitter with tools like TweetDeck, TwitterBerry, Twitterific, and Twittelator Pro.
search_it_out Perform simple and easy advanced searches, add Twitter Search in your browser, and make use of Bing Twitter, Twitterfall, TweetBeep, as well as other tools.
where_R_U Geotag your tweets, connect to third-party Twitter apps, manage access, track tweets by location, or tweet events for a Google calendars.
twitter_bling Add Twitter widgets for a Web site, gadgets for your desktop, an app for your Facebook profile, and your tweets for your LinkedIn page.

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