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What is often a market with no group of market devices? This edited volume addresses the crucial role of technical instruments in the construction of markets. From pricing models to merchandising tools, from trading protocols to aggregate indicators, the topic of market devices incorporates a wide variety of objects that are already often overlooked in sociological analysis. The contributions for this volume open new paths to investigate these compound objects. They explore how market devices set to configure economic calculative capacities. They take notice of the part they play inside marketability of goods and services. They analyse the performative areas of knowledge and expertise required in adjusting and calibrating them. All authors partake in the emerging intersection between economic sociology and science and technology studies that's increasingly enriching the research agenda from the sociology of markets. Each contribution addresses, with original empirical material, several areas of markets devices.
Michel Callon is Professor at the Ecole des Mines de Paris, as well as a researcher in the Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation. Together with Bruno Latour and John Law he was one from the early developers of actor-network theory. He works for the anthropology of markets along with the study of technical democracy, and it is completing research on French patients’ organizations with Vololona Rabeharisoa. His recent books include Le pouvoir des malades (Presse de l’Ecole des Mines, 1999, with V. Rabeharisoa) and Agir dans un monde incertain (Seuil, 2001, with P. Lascoumes and Y. Barthe). In 2002, the Society for Social Studies of Science awarded him the Bernal Prize.
Yuval Millo is lecturer inside the Department of Accounting at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Having background in the sociology of science and economic sociology, Yuval Millo applies qualitative approaches along with social networks analysis inside the study of financial risk management and corporate governance. Among his latest publications are ‘Negotiating a Market, Performing Theory: The Historical Sociology of an Financial Derivatives Exchange’ (American Journal of Sociology, 2003, with Donald MacKenzie), ‘From Risks to Second-order Dangers in Financial Markets: Unintended Consequences of Risk Management Systems’ (New Political Economy, 2005, with Boris Holzer), and ‘Regulatory Experiments: Genetically Modified Crops and Financial Derivatives on Trial’ (Science and Public Policy, 2006, with J. Lezaun).
Fabian Muniesa can be a researcher in the Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation, from the Ecole des Mines de Paris. His work primarily aims at analysing the role of technical instruments inside the shaping of markets at contributing to a empirical, pragmatist approach for the study of calculation. He may be the author of several articles and book chapters around the social studies of finance. His main research topics in this area are trading technologies as well as the automation of financial markets. He's also the co-editor (with D. MacKenzie and L. Siu) of Do Economists Make Markets? On the Performativity of Economics (Princeton University Press, 2007). His current research interests include economic experiments, public management and also the sociology of architecture.

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